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Braiding Classes

Are you tired of daily ponytails and need hands-on learning?
Do you have a youth group that wants to learn about caring for hair and styles?
Want to host a braid party?
If you are interested in gathering a small group of individuals wanting to learn about the care of hair, and the basics of braiding I am the one to call! I can come to you and teach yourself, or a. Inquire at little.red.braids@gmail.com.
After I have gone through necessary procedures through the State of Utah I will start charging for classes and braiding. If you are interested in learning the basics, styles or techniques now is the time to contact me; all I ask is that you allow me to take pictures for my portfolio, pass my information around. I will teach you what you want to learn for free. This offer is only valid for a limited time, based upon availability.

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